Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Buddy just...

packed up and zippered closed my wheeled Body Shop tote and declared, "I'm going to Cedar Satter City!"

Other fun vocab from the kiddos:
hanzitizer = hand sanitizer
oarport = airport (mostly said by Buddy)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Live Blogging: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

We're halfway through the annual screening of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and the kids' comments are just killer...I can barely keep up with this memory of mine, so I thought I'd open a post and transcribe.

Pally: "My favorite character is...what's that boy's name again?" Linus. "Oh yeah, Linus." Why? "Because he has a blanket and sucks his thumb like me! I know! You could call me Linus, too!"

Pally: "Daddy, is Peppermint Patty really a girl?"

Pally: "Hey, look! Those kids are riding in the trunk!" as Charlie & company ride off in the backend of a station wagon to Grandmother's house.

Buddy's too busy eating orange-colored sugar cookies to bother with pre-Charlie Brown, Buddy did announce while he played with the raw orange-colored sugar cookie dough, "I'm selling carrot poop!"

During an ad for Shrek the Halls, Pally shouted, "Look, Mommy! It's Shrek Five!" I'm not sure she's even seen one of the movies from that series, so this strikes me as really funny.

Buddy: "Doggy's doing some drums! Snoopy's doing drums!"

What was your favorite part of CB Thanksgiving?
Pally: "My favorite part was when they were building the houses in the cool and they were taking care of the people who were dying." ok. So she's referring to the Charlie Brown Mayflower story that followed the Thanksgiving episode that one normally thinks of.
Pally: "I like Peppermint Patty. She always wears boy clothes because I think she loves boys clothes. I like her little shoes."
Pally: "The very important part was when they were taking care of the people who were dying, but how do you die in a snowstorm?"
Pally: "Oh, Linus was my favorite part, too."

and now, they sleep!

time for popcorn and a movie with Hubs.

Thanks to JR and Mad for the live blogging idea.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Home alone...

It NEVER happens!

and yet, here I am, alone.

at least for 30 minutes or so,

while S and the littles return a movie and buy some tp and milk.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I was home alone. It might have been in January (!) when I was in an influenza-induced coma so S chaperoned the littles to a birthday party without me. Yes, yes, I do believe that was the last time. And I was too sick to enjoy it, revel in it, cherish it, bathe in it, embrace it...figures I'm sick this time, too. I'm not a real big fan of Murphy and those pesky laws...

Since I'm the only human in these 1800 square feet, I'm going to go ahead and blog my favorite thing: what my kids say. Ha.

A-Boy: "I'm going to the Gibson Lie-Berry."
Me: "Honey, you need more Rs in that word. It's lie-BRary."
A-Girl: "Yeah, A. Like pRairie."


A-Girl, with hand aside her mouth as though telling a secret something to me: "And, by the way, Y is a bit of a whiny, cry-ey girl when she gets bumped in class."


A-Boy tends to reveal his naptime dreams in stream-of-consciousness outpourings that begin to tumble forth before you've even gotten all the way in his room:
"Mom, V was there and she was so tiny and she was packing all her books and she was tiny and I saw her and she was growing and growing because she was tiniest like me but I'm big little now and she was so nice and she growed. Her did."

V is the grown woman who babysits for us from time to time...some dream, huh?!


A-Girl wanted me to leave the dinner table tonight because she wanted to finish eating her rice "animal-style"--all mouth, no hands:

"Mom, I love you."

"I love you, sweetie."

"Um, aren't you tired? Why don't you go to the living room? You could lay down on the couch."

"I'm not going to go lay down."

"Um, well, you could check your e-mail." Then she broke out into a punk diddy that she wrote several months ago that goes, "Checkin' my eee-mail! Checkin' my eee-mail! Checkin' my eee-mail!" Complete with air guitar and those squeaky Wayne&Garth-style guiter sounds. My girl.


a couple of A-Boy's mispronunciations:

willn't - as in "I will not!" or "I won't!"

yous - as in your or even just plain ol' you; ie. "Yous soda is in the kitchen." or "Mom, are yous making dinner?"

He said a really, really hysterical one at lunch today and I never thought I'd forget it...guess I was wrong. Darn it! The only conversation I can come up with from lunch today was the one where A-Boy tried to convince A-Girl that I ate oatmeal every day when I was tiny. :-)

...and now, I'm going to find something trashy to watch on E! 'til the family returns!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More from the mouths of babes...

Me: "Adam, did you just smell your feet?"
A-Boy: "No. I just picked my nose with mys feet."


A-Boy: "I'm done with my crib. Where's my big boy bed? I think it's out in the garage. You need to go get it. I've been growing and growing so fast, so I'm done with my crib. I thinks we need my big boy mattress."


I was sitting on the floor the other night, leaning on the couch while A-Girl lounged on the cushions. I was admonishing her for some sassy talk when, in the middle of my sentence, she rolled onto her side, pulled her pants down and put her bottom in my face. I was dumbstruck. Nearly speechless. She was giggling like a madwoman by this point and I downpoured on her parade by sending her upstairs for jammie-time.


I actually had to try really hard to keep from laughing and she did get a talking to.


A-Boy: "Mommy, dogs are so smart." pause pause "Our Kiki [cat] just bites." he's trying to get a dog outta me?! :-)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

We just can't have nice things...

Sean's pride and joy, the 42-inch 1080PHD flat screen tv, has been marred by a flying JoJo the Clown action figure. Really, it was inevitable, but I was hoping we'd have it longer than two weeks before anything happened. The screen now has a couple of small transfers of red paint on it--nothing I can see from the couch--but Sean knows precisely where the marks are. Poor guy. He just wanted a nice tv.


A-Girl: "This is a mysterious. Hm...where could it be? It's a mysterious."

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A little too busy...

I can't really reveal all the details, but suffice it to say, we started our day very, very early, then had preschool, storytime, grocery shopping and a play date. It's such a simplified version of how it all went down, but it's about all I can muster at 8:52 pm with two crazy kiddos sitting next to me wildly eating grapes--a frenzied effort to stall bedtime, of course.

Today, A-Boy said, "Mommy, you're my best big mommy I've ever seen." Love that.

A-Girl, "My yawns are cute yawns, right?"

I'm grateful for twenty minutes on the phone with Sis this evening; for sharing storytime with M&B; and for impending peace and quiet!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heard around our house...

"Don't call me Hill. I Adam."
What's Daddy's name? "Barbara Daddy Hill."

Post-vaccination imaginative play with A-Boy:
"I give you a shot, so you get healthy."
"I check your size and take your glasses off."
"I'm the shotter. Do you want shots on yours 'puter? Do you want shots on yours screen? But you like lots of shots on yours com-puter. Yeah, you need lots of shots, Mommy. Mom, don't be scared of my shot, it's just a shot toy--Mo-om, it'll be O-K."

"Have I ever scared you wrong?"
"Mom! I've got a great idea! You come up to my room and we'll both look with teamwork!"

How many of these...

posts will I have that involve "finding" my blog again, followed by a promise to actually update?

Good lord.

I'm annoying myself.

I write blog posts in my head mostly all the time, but rarely manage to sit down and stay awake to do anything about it.

But, it's something I *really* want to do, so I'm going to make it happen. I don't promise! Heh.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Found It!

"What did you lose?" you ask.

My blog.


I know.

I have a serious focus problem these days it seems, so I couldn't find my blog. Clever of me, I know.

So I'm back again with more promises for updating regularly. Let's see if we believe me!

Now that I'm in, I have to go switch laundry and make dinner and go do some final shopping in preparation for my sweet girl's fourth birthday's no wonder I forget where my blog is!